The Crossword Contest
The latest controversy for any New York Times puzzler is unfolding right before your eyes! Crossword people, you won’t want to hear this, but both the Wordle and Connections seem to be tied neck-and-neck in an NYT Games popularity contest. Puzzler to puzzler, here’s some background information so you’ll know which side to stand on.
Connections was released on Jun. 12, 2023, during its beta phase, and is now known for its bizarre words and categories. Wyna Liu, the editor of the daily Connections, was inspired by the cartoonist Robert Leighton, who dabbled in wordplay and letter sequencing. However, there has been some conceptual overlap between Connections and “Only Connect” on British TV throughout the years. The game incorporates trivia knowledge with modern-day culture, often including categories that resonate with older and younger generations alike.
Wordle, on the other hand, is a web-based game, created and developed by Josh Wardle, a software engineer. Wardle created the Wordle prototype in 2013 but sold the game to the New York Times Company for around seven figures during the pandemic. Today, Tracy Bennett edits the NYT Games Wordle and Strands. Overall, Wordle interacts with the decision-making and letter/word analysis that fills daily life!
What Side Are You On?
Although both games serve the same purpose, the debate between the two still lives on, and probably will for many years to come in the puzzling world.