This Week in Spoons: Volume Two
A classroom reminding its student that it is a “spoon free” classroom for the remainder of the game.
Despite the fact that the week of January 16 was shorter than most, the second week of the senior’s game of Spoons was extremely eventful and brought new challenges for the Class of 2023.
Due to the rules of Spoons (described in last week’s article), all players that make it to the second week must both keep a hold of their spoons all week and capture their target’s spoon to advance within 7 days in order to advance to week 3. Unlike last week, players can not just play defense.
Senior Jason Buczko has calculated that out of the almost 300 people that joined the game of Spoons last week, only an estimated 59 people will make it to the third week. This rapid decrease in players of the game shows how crucial it is to get targets out this week.
This rule change has made some of the senior class get creative with their tactics. An example of this is the incident involving Sara and Julia Kilroy. Sara and Julia, who are identical twins, switched places so Sara could steal her target’s spoon. Sara and Julia have agreed to be interviewed about the execution of their swap for next week’s article.
Despite the desperation, Spoons had been less chaotic than last week due to the increased amount of disciplinary actions from last week. The no-chasing rule has had its intended effect.
A small number of people have also been eliminated from the game for different reasons. Some people who failed to get their targets out but kept hold of their spoons, gave their spoons to their predators to keep them in the game. Others were kicked out of the game for breaking specific rules, like holding their spoon wrong, hiding their spoons, and acting aggressively when taking a spoon. As always, it is extremely important for all players to remain civil, respect the rules of the game, and keep everyone safe.
Although many have the potential to emerge victorious, CJ Martin is the current favorite to win Spoons. CJ is notorious for stealing at least five spoons in the last two weeks, which is an accomplishment not many can achieve.
According to Nick D’Antonio (a junior in CJ Martin’s Pre-Calc class), his “faith is left in CJ Martin. CJ Martin, if you’re reading this, you can do it.”
Jason Buczko is another person who believes in CJ Martin’s potential for victory.
“It’s all about people constantly eliminating others and being able to defend their own spoon in the process. Those are the best players.”
With people being eliminated at every turn, seniors are clutching their spoons tighter not knowing who the next victim will be.
Good luck and happy third week of spoons! If you are interested in being interviewed about the third week of Spoons or have a story to share, email me at [email protected].