World-Famous VOCES8 Sings with Concert Choir
Ikon Arts-Edition Peters/Kaupo Kikkas
Voces8 credit to udiscovermusic
“I was shocked,” said Sophia Beatty, recollecting the moment when Mrs. Snodgrass, the choir director, told the Concert Choir that she had arranged a vocal workshop with VOCES8. “They were an incredible group I idolized, and I was so excited to actually get the chance to work with them!” Beatty exclaimed.
VOCES8 is a world-famous British vocal ensemble that has been performing for over fifteen years. They perform a comprehensive repertoire that includes jazz, classical music, and pop. The group has collaborated with renowned conductors, orchestras, and soloists while on global tours, at a capella concerts, and other performances at numerous well-known venues, including the Sydney Opera House, Tokyo Opera City, and Wigmore Hall.
During the workshop, members of VOCES8 performed songs and taught vocal exercises to Concert Choir as well as other choirs. Then they taught a song called “Lovely Day,” and VOCES8 added harmonies and vocal percussion while the choirs sang.
Concert Choir also sang “My Companion,” and VOCES8 gave feedback on their performance. Some of their suggestions included singing with more dramatic dynamics and emphasizing important words. VOCES8 sang parts of the song in order to illustrate how these suggestions would sound.
Sydney Wechsler, a member of Concert Choir, said, “I felt it was a once in a lifetime experience, and they were very kind and clearly wanted to help every choir improve their performance. I learned a lot from the experience and feel more confident in my performance abilities.”