Big Future Days: The Program Making College Planning Easier

For high school students, the idea of planning for college can be daunting. Before teens can even vote, they must choose a college, choose a major, figure out their future careers, and pay and apply for that specific college. Most high schoolers don’t know what classes they will take next year, let alone anything about college. Luckily, College Board, a college planning website, has created the Big Future Days program. This online program is specifically designed to guide students through the college planning process. So, for those who have no idea what to do for college, or for anybody who needs a little guidance, attend Big Future Days.

Due to the pandemic, the Big Future Days program has become a four hour virtual seminar that includes College Booths, College Panels, and College Planning Sessions. These free seminars are broken up by region: Northeast, Southwest, Midwest, and Southeast. The event dates are March 7, March 30, April 18 and April 29. For the event, students have the choice to attend the event live or watch a recording of the event later. Keep in mind, one must register for the event and have a College Board account to attend.

The College Booths offer information about one specific college. They also offer the chance to ask questions and receive answers from a college representative. However, they will communicate via message instead of a livestream. These booths are good for students who have a pretty good idea of which college they want to attend.

College Panels offer livestream presentations from various colleges in a specific region. The representatives will explain general statistics from their college as well as what makes their college unique. This helps students become aware of many different colleges. These panels are great for students who know what region they want to be in, just not which college.

College Planning Sessions, on the other hand, have experts, such as financial aid advisors and guidance counselors, that give advice on how to prepare for college. For example, some sessions explain how to pay for college, or how to apply to scholarships. These sessions can be beneficial in making college planning easier and more successful. These sessions are good for people who need help with planning for college altogether. Unlike College Booths, College Panels and College Planning Sessions offer a livestream video, so students can physically see the people presenting.

Although Big Future Days is a useful program to take part in, it is not for everyone. This program is directed towards Sophomores and Juniors, so Freshmen and Seniors don’t take part in this. However, Freshman can still sign up. These events are also virtual, so for anyone who needs in person interaction, this program is not for them. The seminars do not allow the presenters to see anybody either. So for students who don’t like showing their face, this program would be appealing.

In conclusion, it is highly recommended that students try out Big Future days. If the thought of college makes anyone anxious or scared, this event will help alleviate that stress and help build a strong college plan. Additionally, students that attend this event will show colleges that they care about their futures.


For more information on the Big Future Days event, visit:

For anyone who cannot register for Big Future Days, also offers helpful information about colleges: