Pandemic Precautions at Cherokee
The Trunk or Treat is an annual event at Cherokee which clubs participate in. This year, new precautions were put in place so this event could happen safely.
On September 14, Cherokee High School opened its doors for the first time since the Coronavirus Outbreak in March. The Lenape Regional High School District had to figure out a way to offer students in-person learning amid the virus.
The district has made massive changes in order to keep students safe and healthy. The district made hybrid learning an option and gave students the choice to be fully remote. Some of the precautions are for all students to wear masks, to limit the amount of people in the bathrooms, and to maintain social distance.
Some of the biggest changes are to clubs. Most clubs are not meeting in-person to prevent the spread of the virus. Only sports teams and a few other clubs are meeting in-person. Everyone else has to adjust to meeting online via Google Meets.
Changes in many clubs have been implemented in order to keep the entire school district safe from the virus. Competition clubs such as DECA and FBLA have had to adjust to doing virtual competitions. The Fall Show has been postponed until coronavirus cases lessen.
Although meeting online is not as ideal as meeting in person, all the students and staff are trying their best to accommodate to the situation and still make it feel like a normal school year.