Mrs. Gallombardo, Spanish
I started speaking Spanish when I was a kid because my dad spoke Spanish and because I grew up on a farm and we had migrant workers on our farm. I learned at a young age how to speak Spanish so with that I developed a love for it. Then I had a grandma, who her English wasn’t very good, so I also grew up trying to speak Italian with her. I really didn’t learn proper Italian until I went to college and studied Italian as well. So I became a teacher because when you’re going through the process of your education you try to figure out what your strong points are, and I consider myself to be a people person so I thought that was a perfect way to impart my love of language with other people and try to instill in them the same love so that it would spurn them to go on and then study abroad and become fluent. And that’s happened. I’ve had students who have gone on to make Spanish their career… in industry being able to communicate with people from different places. It has opened up a wider world for them as far as job potential because of their ability to speak another language.